Monday, February 23, 2009


European midsummer festival are pre-Christian in origin.They are particularly important in northern Europe in places such as Denmark, in Ireland, parts of Britain, France and Italy, other parts of Europe, and elsewhere such as Canada and the United states.


People believed that mid-summer plants had miraculous healing powers which they picked on that night. Evil spirits were believed to roam freely when the sun was turning southwards again and bonfires were lit to protect against them. Later, witches were also thought to be on their way to meetings with other evil powers.In Sweden, Mid-summer celebration originates from the time before Christianity.



Saradevi: I feel that this festival is something very unique as most countries do not have such interesting traditions.

Jia Yin: This is definitely an unusual festival. It will be interesting if I had the chance to witness such a festival.

Yu Shan: I feel that this the traditional beliefs of this festival is rare and extraordinary. The way people celebrated it is fascinating too.

Alvita: This festival is amazing! I never seen such unique festival before. The festival also has a very long history.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that the Mid-summer festival is very unusual and interesting event. Many tourists flock the countries that hold the Mid-summer festival. The citizens of Denmark,France and Italy are very lucky as they have a rich cutural hitory and so many unique festivals. I find it very amazing that in the pre-christain era where there are no modern technology, they can already track the movements of the sun.
